
St Thomas' CE Primary School

St Clement & St James CE Primary School

St Thomas' Federation - Stronger together

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Welcome to St Thomas' CE Primary School

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Welcome to St Thomas’ CE Primary School

What makes our school so special?

  • We are a small school with a caring and supportive staff team who work closely with children and families
  • We provide a high quality education within a Christian context and welcome children from all faiths and no faith
  • We have a broad curriculum and we love the arts
  • We have a beautiful modern building which helps us to have a calm, purposeful learning environment
  • The school is judged outstanding by Ofsted and has excellent teachers


We are very pleased to welcome you to our school. St Thomas’ is a small one form entry Church of England primary school. We are located in North Kensington just off the Portobello Road. We serve a wonderfully diverse community. In January 2009 we moved into our brand new school building, which we are very proud of.


At St Thomas’ we believe that a high quality education within a Christian context is the best start a child can have in their school life. We welcome children from all faiths and backgrounds and work in partnership with parents and the Church to build a sense of belonging to our community.

What parents say


Thank you to all the parents who responded to our questionnaire in the spring term. Governors are pleased to see how positive the responses were and that parents strongly agree that:  


  • My child enjoys school
  • The school keeps my child safe
  • The teaching is good at this school
  • The school is well led and managed


Comments from parents

  • I 100% recommend this school!  My youngest still attends the school and my eldest left for secondary school 2 years ago. Such a lovely and very supportive school!
  • They really looked after my son and became his safe space when he needed.  We will never forget them.
  • My youngest went there and now my grandkids.  A rare single form entry school with excellent teacher retention, which gives children consistency and the fact that teachers stay there proves it's a great working and learning environment. 
  • 'Teachers are fantastic. Big Thank you the office staff who are polite, professional, well mannered and friendly.'



