We are very proud of our recent Ofsted report in June 2023 where we achieved outstanding judgements in 4 out of 5 areas with a good judgement overall. Ofsted commented on the following:
- "Pupils, families and staff are proud to be part of this caring community. Leaders have created a supportive and nurturing environment where pupils feel safe. Relationships between staff and pupils are very positive. Parents and carers praise the dedication of staff and the support they receive from leaders.
- Pupils enjoy coming to this school. They are eager to learn, and behave extremely well. They are highly motivated, and support and encourage each other. They are polite and courteous and develop in confidence as they move up the school.
Pupils are enthusiastic about their outdoor play areas. During breaktimes, they enjoy varied activities, including dance, sport and the mud kitchen. After-school clubs are well attended, and pupils have varied opportunities to develop their talents and interests.
- Leaders have established a strong and supportive culture. Staff and parents praise the exceptional level of care that leaders provide. Staff know their well-being is a priority for leaders. Staff are highly motivated, and there is a restless drive for improvement across all aspects of the school. Staff value the ongoing training they receive from across the federation as well as from external experts. As a result, teachers continue to develop their subject knowledge.
- Leaders have ensured that a well-organised and well-sequenced curriculum is in place for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils access the full range of national curriculum subjects. They look forward to ‘Fantastic Fridays’, where they are taught computing, art, engineering ... by subject specialists."